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1. Name

The name of this group will be Knaresborough Business collective.

2. Objectives

 The objectives of the Organisation shall be:-

2.1 To provide the necessary framework, structure and organisation to reinforce the role of Knaresborough as a service centre for residents, businesses and for the surrounding rural communities, and in particular to:-

(a) Identify, develop and deliver projects which are part of the Knaresborough business collective Plan & Programme with the intention to improve the experience of the public who visit the town of Knaresborough. These projects will cover issues relating to: the local community; business and commerce; transport; sport, culture and leisure; heritage; the built environment; and tourism. All projects will also focus on opportunities for events, learning, conservation and participation where appropriate.

(b) Establish the priorities and work programme for delivery of the Knaresbrough business collectives plans.

(c) Lobby for additional resources from other organisations to implement the projects put forward by the Collective.

(d) Act in partnership with other organisations such as Harrogate Borough Council, North Yorkshire County Council, Knaresborough Town Council, other public, private, voluntary and community sectors, to achieve our objectives. 

(e) Ensure community involvement in all aspects of the process.

(f) Promote the activities of the organisation.

2.2 To contribute in the widest possible way, to improving the quality of life for the benefit of the local community.


3. Powers

3.1 In furtherance to the above, but not otherwise, the organisation shall have the following powers:-

(a) To initiate, consider and where agreed, endorse projects prior to submission.

(b) To consider and where agreed, endorse annual delivery plans and business plans for the Knaresborough Business Collective.

To monitor programme and project delivery in accordance with delivery plans.

To raise funds and to invite and receive grants, donations and other contributions;

To buy or lease and to maintain any equipment or materials necessary for the achievement of the objectives;:

To sell, lease or dispose of all or any part of the property of the Organisation;

To borrow money and to charge all or any part of the property of the Organisation with repayment of the money so borrowed;

To commission or employ the labours of others to undertake work on contract as necessary and appropriate;

To publish posters, periodicals, pamphlets and other materials in printed, recorded or electronic format and to hold intellectual property rights in any such material;

To organise conferences, debates, surveys and such other special events as the Committee may determine;

To co-operate with other organisations in furtherance of any of the objectives or of similar purposes;

To provide indemnity insurance cover for the members of the Committee (or any of them) out of the funds of the Organisation:  Provided that any such insurance shall not extend to any claim arising from any act or omission which the members of the Committee (or any of them) knew to be a breach of duty or breach of trust or which was committed in reckless disregard of whether it was a breach of duty or breach of trust or not.

To do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the achievement of the collectives objectives.


4. Status 

Not For Private Profit Organisation

5. Application of Income

 Income and assets will only be used for the furtherance of the Organisation’s objectives and do not belong to the members of the Organisation. 

6 Membership

6.1 we will not operate as an organisation with members, we are however open to help in the form of volunteers which is open to any business within Knaresborough or the surrounding rural community, Volunteers are expected to behave in a manner deemed positive and for the benefit of the collective and its objectives.

6.2 Volunteers are expected to join in and work together with the collective to better the efforts of the plans and objectives put forward by the Collective.

7. Executive Committee

7.1 The business of the Organisation shall be managed by the group.

7.2 the roles of the group shared is to do the following 





8. Sub-Committees

8.1 The Executive may appoint such sub-committees as it thinks fit for conducting the business of the Organisation.  Sub-committee meetings will be taken with minutes and reported to the Executive on a regular basis should we choose to appoint a sub-committee. 

9. Declarations of Interest

9.1 Members will be required to declare any interest in an agenda item and/or a project for appraisal.  Declarations of Interest should be made in accordance with the Code of Practice adopted by the Executive (Appendix 1).

10 Dissolution 

10.1 If members of the Executive decide that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Organisation it shall call a meeting, of which not less than 21 days’ notice (stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed) shall be given.  If the proposal is confirmed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting the Executive shall have the power to close the Organisation.

10.2 On dissolution any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to a charitable or not for profit organisation with similar objectives as the Executive may determine.

11. Amendments

11.1 This constitution may be amended by the Executive, provided that:-

(a) Formal notice of changes are given no less than 2 weeks prior to the meetings at which changes will be proposed.





An Executive Committee Member with a personal interest in a matter under discussion/consideration should declare this at the commencement of the discussion.

There are 2 declarations of personal interest (i) personal or (ii) personal and prejudicial.  These are defined below.

Subject to disclosure a member with a personal (but not prejudicial) interest may continue to contribute to discussion and debate and may, if applicable, vote in relation to the issue.

A member with a personal and prejudicial interest should declare this and then withdraw from the meeting during consideration of the relevant item.  Members of the Committee will agree not to use their position to further their personal interest.

Personal Interest (definition)

You have a personal interest in a matter if it affects your wellbeing or financial position (or that of your relatives and friends) more than it would affect other people.  In particular you should consider how any decision would affect:-

Your and their jobs, businesses and employers

Corporate bodies in which you/they have a beneficial interest

Organisations in which you or they hold a position of general control or management (this may include public authorities, companies, charities, trade unions, professional organisations, lobbying organisations)

You need only declare interests you know about.

Personal and prejudicial interests (definition)

A prejudicial interest is one, which a member of the public who knows all the relevant facts, would reasonably think is so significant, that it is likely to adversely affect your judgement.

© 2024 by Annie Wilkinson-Gill for The Knaresborough Business Collective.

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